(Dr. of Economics at the Max Planck Institute of economics; http://swingdanceorchestra.de/member/die-skylarks)
"After joining a High Performance Leadershiptraining with Irene Xander in New York, I made the dream of my true desire become reality and founded the vocal quintet "Skylarks".
Meanwhile one of the best earning a capella groups in Germany. With Various CD productions and concert tours through Germany, Switzerland and Europe, we write an amazing story of
(Designer and Apprentice)
"Fashion and modeling has always fascinated me, but I didn’t know, how I could actually make a career out of it. I really had no idea, what to do with my life...
After the Coaching with Irene Xander, I could now realize my dream and work in one of the most prestigious boutiques in Germany, Anja Gockel (www.anja-gockel.com), who has been elected “Designer of the year” in 2017 and worked with Heidi Klum. I am now 20 years old. The world of
celebrities has suddenly become mine…. In Cannes at the Film Festival I even was invited to go with a filmproducer to LA,… yeah!"
"I had worked hard for years already, trying to get recognition as a cabaret artist. That’s why I attended an “Artist Coachinggroup” with Irene Xander in Cologne, where I met my partner for life and also for business, Maria Vollmer (dancer and comedian) www.maria-vollmer.de.
Since then I have been on the course of success... half a dozen cabaret prices and a full calender. I am travelling through German, Switzerland and Europe with my program “Frauen verblühen, Männer verduften”. The press writes about “the cabaret demigod”, numerous books, like "Wer den inneren Schweinehund besiegen will, muss die Sau rauslassen: Ein Selbstoptimierungsversuch",..."
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